How to Create an App Store Connect API Key for Apple Applications

In order to proceed with generating your Apple (iOS and/or tvOS) application builds, our Branded Apps team will require you to create and associate an Apple API key to your Vimeo OTT CMS (i.e. "Admin"). Your Implementation Manager will inform you when you are able to add this key into your platform.

All steps below can only be completed by the Apple developer account owner

Before completing the steps below, please ensure there are no pending agreements, terms and/or conditions that need to be accepted within your Apple developer account. These can cause your API key validation to be rejected.

You can check your Apple agreement status by clicking here. All agreements on this page should have a green status icon and a status of "Active."

Step #1 - Associate an iPhone to Your Developer Account

In order to have your Apple API key validated, you will need to associate an iPhone's unique device identifier (UDID) with your developer account. A UDID is a 40-character long value containing alpha-numeric symbols (A-Z and 0-9) specific to your device. Apple uses this to validate your iPhone and service when setting up an application.

To complete this task:

  • Click this link to be brought into your Apple developer interface ( After logging-in, you should be brought to a page similar to the screenshot below.

  • Select the BLUE + sign button to be brought to the "Register a New Device" page

  • On this page:
    • Platform = iOS
    • Device Name = Whatever you'd like this value to be. Traditionally, putting the model works best (ex: iPhone X)
    • Device ID (UDID) = To retrieve your device's UDID, it is recommended to utilize this website. There are alternative methods available as well if you elect not to. When you have this information, you will paste it into this field.
  • Select "Continue"
  • Select "Register"

Step #2 - Create Your Apple API Key

To complete this task:

  • Click this link to be brought into your Apple App Store Connect account ( This is different from the Apple developer account linked in Step #1. After logging-in, you should be brought to a page similar to the screenshot below.
  • Depending on if your developer account is new or not you may see an option to select "Request Access." Once permission is granted, you can create your API key. If you do not see this continue to the next step.
  • Select the BLUE + sign button

  • A "Generate API Key" window should appear:
    • Name = OTT App
    • Access = Admin
  • Select "Generate"

  • Select the "Download API Key" option which should appear to the right of your newly created key. Save this file to your computer. It will appear as a .p8 file.
    • NOTE - There may be instances where the "Download API Key" option does not appear right away. You may need to wait 5 - 15min. and refresh the page for the option to appear.

Step #3 - Ensure Your Apple Agreements Are Up-To-Date

To complete this task:

  • Click this link to be brought into the "Agreements, Tax, and Banking" section of your Apple App Store Connect account (

  • Please ensure both the "Free Apps" and "Paid Apps" agreements are listed as "Active" with a green circle icon. Additionally, there will be no tasks listed under the "Action" column. The below screenshot indicates what you should see when both agreements are accepted correctly.

  • Below are examples of when your agreements require further attention.

Step #4 - Adding Your Apple API Key to Your Vimeo OTT Admin

To complete this task:

  • Open a new tab in your browser and navigate to your OTT CMS "Platforms" page (
  • Scroll down to the "Apple API Key" section.

  • App Store Connect API Key
    • Open the .p8 file you've recently downloaded in a text editor program such as "TextEdit" (default MacOS text editor) or "Notepad" (default Windows text editor) and copy all of the content.
    • Paste all of the content of the .p8 file you copied previously,  including the "---BEGIN PRIVATE KEY---" and "---END PRIVATE KEY---." Your private key content should look similar to the below example, once copied:
--- Begin Private Key---
---End Private Key---
  • Key ID = Within the App Store Connect "Keys" page, where you created your key, select "Copy Key ID." Paste that ID into the Key ID field in your Vimeo OTT CMS.

  • Issuer ID = Within the App Store Connect "Keys" page, this value is shown towards the top of the page and refers to your Apple Developer account overall. Paste this ID into the Issuer ID field in your Vimeo OTT CMS.

  • Once all three pieces have been copied into their respective fields in the Vimeo OTT Admin, click Save.
    • If your key was created properly, your information will save within this section and be validated.
    • If your key was created improperly, or if you did not associate a device properly, your information will NOT save within this section and be invalidated.