Changing Your Subscription In-Application Pricing And/Or Free-Trial Duration
Your Vimeo OTT CMS (“Admin”) allows you to update your website subscription pricing and free-trial offering manually. However, your subscription in-application purchases ("IAP") and free-trial offerings are determined by the settings within your developer accounts for each respective platform. Your application suite will not update automatically based on your website Admin changes.
⚠️ REMINDER - The Vimeo OTT Apps team requests at least two weeks notice before any change request to your live application suite is implemented. This timing is meant to allow for completion of work and proper scheduling required for each application platform.
In order to ensure we can complete your change request as quickly as possible, it is important to review the below questions:
What is the subscription pricing and/or free-trial offering you would like to have added or changed?
- What date does this subscription pricing and/or free-trial change request need to be implemented by?
- Are your application developer accounts and financial agreements up-to-date?*
- What is the default USD base price that will set for your monthly and/or annual subscription?
Should any territories have custom-set pricing that will be different from the calculated application currency conversion price?
Then, please reach out to your Vimeo OTT Account Manager with proper answers so we can begin scheduling your change request! Remember that your change request will only apply to applications within your Vimeo OTT agreement.
1) What is the subscription pricing and/or free-trial offering you would like to have added or changed?
- If you intend to have a subscription pricing increase - Should preexisting in-application subscribers be subject to the increase, where supported, or remain on their original pricing model?
- Apple and Google are the only platforms which support increasing subscription pricing for your preexisting subscribers. Amazon and Roku will keep subscribers on their original subscription plan.
- If you already have free-trials enabled - Should there be any changes to your existing free-trial duration or availability?
- The minimum free-trial duration allowed on Apple, Google, and Roku is 3-days.
- The minimum free-trial duration allowed on Amazon is 7-days.
- If you do not have free-trials enabled and you are adding a new subscription option - Should there be any changes to your existing free-trial duration or availability?
2) What date does this subscription pricing and/or free-trial change request need to be implemented by?
- If you are updating an existing IAP and/or free-trial offering -
- Apple will take a minimum of 2 days for changes to be reflected within their platform.
- Amazon, Google, and Roku will have changes reflected immediately once made.
- If you are offering a brand-new IAP (i.e. adding an annual subscription when you only offered monthly) and/or free-trial option -
- All applications will need to have a new version generated and submitted for formal platform review. On average, application review timings can take 7 - 10 business days.
- If you are removing an existing IAP and/or free-trial offering -
- All applications will need to have a new version generated and submitted for formal platform review. On average, application review timings can take 7 - 10 business days.
3) Are your application developer accounts and financial agreements up-to-date?
Amazon (Fire TV / Fire Tablet): This includes a "Completed" "Royalty" + "Canada Tax Interview" and payment information page.
Apple (iOS/tvOS) - This includes an "Active" "Free Apps" and "Paid Apps" agreement. Apple's Developer Program also requires an annual renewal.
Google (Android/Android TV) - This includes an “Active” enrollment of a Google Merchant account and Payments Profile page.
- NOTE - Vimeo will not have access to this page within your developer account.
Roku - This includes an “Active” enrollment into the Roku Partner Payouts program.
4) What is the default USD base price that will set for your monthly and/or annual subscription?
- In order to adhere to most application platform approved pricing models, a USD price ending in .99 is recommended. More information on valid in-application subscription pricing values can be found here.
- Application platforms have different maximum USD subscription pricing values:
- Amazon - $299.99
- Apple - $999.99
- Google - $399.99
- Roku - $399.99
- For service consistency and customer experience, your Vimeo OTT website subscription product should support the same pricing values you intend to use within your application suite.
5) Should any territories have custom-set pricing that will be different from the calculated application currency conversion price? If so, can you please provide all territories and the target pricing point?
- By default, each application platform will automatically manage local currency conversion and tax association based on a singular base monthly and/or annual subscription pricing point. There can be slight differences in how each platform manages currency conversions, based on what they support. For example, Amazon and Roku both have limited custom territory pricing in comparison to Apple and Google.
- Vimeo OTT recommends allowing application platforms to manage these conversions automatically based on a singular pricing point.
- Ex: A specific monthly price of $9.99 USD, $9.99 CAD, £9.99, and €9.99 can be manually set on application platforms where supported.
Vimeo OTT Microsoft XBOX and Samsung Tizen applications do not include in-application purchasing functionality at this time.